Monday, May 16, 2016

Mustang Two-Piece Wide Touring Seat: Vintage Edition, for Suzuki Boulevard M50 2005-2011

Mustang Two-Piece Wide Touring Seat

One of my favorite improvements this Mustang seat provides is that it pushes slightly into the lower back, for more stability while riding and better control. The rider, and passenger, can comfortably ride much longer distances.

More stability, longer rides!

This is the Vintage Edition: no studs, no conchos. Just the clean, elegant look to match the muscles on your M50.

Vintage Edition: no studs, no conchos

Official specs:

  • rider's seat width: 15.5"
  • passenger's seat width: 11.5"
  • weight: 14 lbs. (6.35 kg.)
  • Mustang Part Number: 76591

These seats will fit any Suzuki Boulevard M50 from 2005 up to 2011, but will not fit later models with rounded rear fender.

Will fit any Suzuki Boulevard M50, from 2005 to 2011

Mustang Catalog Part Number: 76591

Here's what Mustang has to say about these particular seats:

The 15.5” wide driver bucket sits you at the ideal cruising angle and is one of several design improvements over the stock seat. The entire 11.5” width of the comfortable passenger seat is fully supported by Mustang’s unique internal steel support wings-- no sagging on the edges, no more passenger complaints.
Mustang's description of the Wide Vintage Two-Piece Seat

If they are so great, why sell them?

Had this comfortable Mustang Two-Piece Wide Touring seat on my previous 2005 Suzuki Boulevard M50. Then switched from the modern M50 to the touring-happy, classic cruiser-looking C50T, as the adventure trips become longer and longer. Kept these seats in mint condition hoping they would fit my current 2005 C50T. Unfortunately, the angle of the seat is too different. Had such an enjoyable experience with them that I'm now selling to buy the C50 equivalent, Vintage Edition as well.

If these are the seats you had in mind when you started looking for that added comfort on your ride, then it's time to put your money where your mind is and buy them on Kijiji.

Ride safe!

Monday, May 09, 2016

Regarde dans la glace, qu’est-ce que tu vois?

Extrait du film Angel-A de Luc Besson, scène d'André face au miroir:

Angel-A: Regarde dans la glace, qu'est-ce que tu vois? Re-gar-de dans la glace, qu'est-ce que tu vois?

André: Je vois une fille sublime.

Angel-A: Merci, à côté d'elle qu'est-ce que tu vois?

André: Je sais pas.

Angel-A: C'est bien, tu progresses.

André: Ah bon tu trouves?

Angel-A: Oui, avant tu voyais que de la merde, maintenant au moins tu vois plus rien. C'est que t'as bien nettoyé la place. Maintenant, faut y mettre quelque chose dans cette coquille vide, faut pas la laisser comme ca. Alors regarde bien, devant toi, y'a rien qui t'intéresse dans ce beau visage?

André: Pas grand chose.

Angel-A: Regarde bien dans tes yeux. Qu'est-ce que tu vois?

André: De… de la gentillesse?

Angel-A: Oui il y en a, beaucoup, et après?

André: Du… ils sont pas mal.

Angel-A: De la beauté, exact. Ils sont beaux, et après?

André: Peut-être euh… de la douceur?

Angel-A: Oui beaucoup… et de l'amour?

André: Ouais… de l'amour y'en a beaucoup. Trop peut-être même.

Angel-A: Si y'en a trop, faut le faire sortir. Dis moi que tu m'aimes.

André: Pardon?

Angel-A: Tu m'aimes pas?

André: Si, beaucoup… enfin euh je euh ressens une sorte d'affection mais ça peut être de l'amitié qui…

Angel-A: Hey, tu m'aimes ou tu m'aimes pas?

André: Depuis le premier jour… depuis la première seconde…

Angel-A: Bon alors dis-le.

André: C'est difficile à dire.

Angel-A: Tu sais pourquoi?

André: Non?

Angel-A: Parce que personne ne te l'a jamais dit, vrai? C'est difficile de s'aimer quand personne ne vous renvoie l'image.

André: Ouais.

Angel-A: Je t'aime André. Voila tu as reçu de l'amour, maintenant tu peux en donner à ton tour, vas-y!

André: Je t'aime Angela, quelque soit ton prénom.

Angel-A: Tu as raison, redis-le sans mon nom.

André: Je t'aime.

Angel-A: C'est bien, maintenant regarde-toi bien et dis-le.

André: J'peux pas.

Angel-A: Bien sûr que tu peux, regarde ton corps meurtri par le manque d'amour, de confiance, tu ne vois pas qu'il mérite qu'on s'occupe un peu de lui… alors ne le rejette pas ce corps blessé, qui t'a supporté depuis si longtemps, sans jamais se plaindre. Dis-lui qu'il a son importance, qu'il a sa place. Donne-lui ce qu'il mérite.»

André: Je t'aime André. Je t'aime.

Angel-A: Je suis fière de toi André. Bon on va manger? J'ai faim moi!

André: Tu penses qu'à bouffer toi, c'est pas possible! T'as un problème affectif?

Angel-A: Hey, mélange pas les rôles s'il-te-plaît.

André: T'as raison.

Sunday, January 03, 2016

Salată de crudități

A venit iarna!
Salată de crudități by Marius Butuc on
Salată de crudități
Dar asta nu înseamnă că trebuie să îți privezi trupul de vitamine și minerale. Aici rădacinoasele proaspete (morcovul, țelina etc) se amestecă pline de bucurie cu varza roșie. Împreună, se înfrățesc savuroase cu micile cuburi de piept de pui, marinat în rozmarin și balsamic întâi, apoi înnăbușit la foc mic, în sos propriu, patru minute pe o parte, patru pe cealaltă. Lasă cruditățile și rumenirea să îți poarte de grijă și să te hrănească sănătos.

Salata asta își trage inspirația din prânzuri împărtășite cu Andrei și cu Traian în cantina universității "Al. I Cuza" din Iași. Era vară parcă, așa că hai să aducem vara în iarnă și să ducem iarna în vară.

Ține minte: o minte sănătoasă într-un trup sănătos. Mulți ani!

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Soare de iarnă torontoniană

Cred că o să îmi botez ochii Icar...

Cu cât mă uit prin fereastra tramvaiului mai aproape de soare, cu atât parcă mi se topesc.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bike Ride to St. Jacobs

Today Hai and I took the bikes out for a ride to St. Jacobs, Ontario. It was a great warm day, so we took the scenic route as often as possible.

The Farmer's Market is not open yet, but the round trip was more than worth it: we did more than 240km, out of which 50km were on the highway, on the way back! Even if, technically, this was the second time I hoped on the highway on the bike, I do consider today to have been my first taste of how it feels to ride on the highway.

Here are a few of the highlights of the ride:

  • a bike can accelerate from a stop a lot faster than an average car (more torque per less mass)
  • keep the distance from the rider in front of you safe, but narrow: otherwise it's an open invitation for cars to get in between
  • when separated from fellow riders (a car got in between, lost a light etc) switch from "group riding" mindset to "lone rider" mindset
  • when changing gears, fully and quickly engage the clutch, change and release – quick and smooth
  • the bike loves to be in 5th gear on the highway

For extra details, there is also a more interactive map of our ride to St. Jacobs.

The previous ride was a bit more than 100km long, this one quite a bit more than 200km, so you can only imagine how much I'm looking forward to the next one! :D